Still Water Martial Arts


Martial Arts

About Us

Still Water Martial Arts is a family martial arts studio in Arlington Heights. We use the traditional Korean martial art of Tang Soo Do to teach kids focus, confidence, and discipline. Many of our battles in the modern world are non-physical. It is either the teasing of a bully, or the anxiety of social interactions, or simply the aches and pains that come from getting older. At SWMA we believe in a wholistic approach to life and seek to better ourselves both mentally and physically. By learning how to set goals, and seeing ourselves improve towards those goals our students will gain confidence, learn to be self-disciplined, and gain the focus to tackle any other obstacle in life. Karate is good for students of all ages, and so we divide our classes into 7-12 and 13+ to better serve our students.

For our senior community we offer Tai Chi classes, which have a strong emphasis on gaining/maintaining balance and mobility.

Our chief instructor has many hours of teaching experience with students with special needs. For adults with special needs, the adult program is structured such that students of all ability levels are able to journey to black belt together.

Check out our upcoming events:
We also offer several seminars that are free to charities and for a small fee for local businesses:

Classes offered:
Youth martial arts (7-12)
Teens martial arts (13-17)
Adult martial arts(18+)
Tai Chi (Ki Gong)
Special needs karate